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What do you want to read about?

Hello. We’ve been at this for a couple of months now, writing about various PM related (and sometimes unrelated) topics. And while we will continue posting as we see fit, we also want to hear from you about what topics you’d like us to cover.

Now that may be atypical of blogs, to ask readers what they want to hear about, but being Product Managers, it would be unnatural of us not to ask.

Is there something about Product Management or Development or Innovation that piques your interest? Want to know more about product pricing, positioning, process or partnerships? Any interest in SaaS or Agile? Want to know more about designing demos? Got a burning question you want to ask?

  • What would you like to read about?
  • Is there anything we’ve written, that you’d like to see more of?
  • Is there anything we should stop writing about?

Let us know.