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Vote for us! (once again)

canblogawardsOnce again, we’ve been nominated for an award.

Last time it was for Best UK Project Management blog. Remember that? Given that we’re neither UK based, nor focused on Project Management, we didn’t expect to win.

This time, both the geography and the category fit us well. We are nominated for the Canadian Blog Awards under the heading of Best Professional/Career Blog.

So, we’ll keep it short.

VOTE FOR US!<<– Click here

Vote now. Don’t delay. Really, click that link now and vote.

PM mind trick coming… This is the blog you want to vote for….

Show all those other bloggers that Product Managers support their own. Doesn’t matter if you live in Canada or not, vote for us. We’ll share the glory of winning with all of you. We promise.

Saeed, Alan, Ethan