CrankyPMProduct ManagementSaeed

Farewell Cranky PM

by Saeed Khan

Back in July on her website, the Cranky PM announced the following:

By year end, the Cranky Product Manager is planning to shut down this entire show: blog, twitter, facebook, pinterest everything.  *poof* gone, deleted.

And with the exception of some updates on a book (crowdfunded on KickStarter), there’s been little activity on her site.

Whether she follows through and shuts everything down by 11:59 PM on December 31 2012 or not, it’s clear that she’s moving on to other things.

Back in June 2007 when we first started this blog, there weren’t a lot of PM blogs out there. Forgive me if I’ve missed any old-time PM bloggers, but the blogs I recall from 2007 were written by Steve Johnson, Paul Young, Scott Sehlhorst, Marty Cagan, Jeff Lash, Rich Mironov, Ivan Chalif and the CrankyPM.

Of course there have been many other PM blogs started since then. Our blog roll list over 150 of them! But in those days, and for several years thereafter, the Cranky PM was different.

Aside from being an anonymous blogger and a good writer, she delivered many insights about the world of Product Management. Granted, it was about the “dark side” of the work, but with both humour and irreverence, she dished it out and said what needed to be said.

There were riffs about:

and many other topics.

There was even a post aimed at me, though she never mentions me by name. I responded in kind with this post. 🙂 That was almost 4 years ago!

It’s been great to read her blog, learn from it and laugh along the way.

I hope the book comes out soon, and as the year comes to an end, I wish the Cranky PM farewell.


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