
Weekend read on Innovation, Marketing and Strategy

If you haven’t read  Big-Bang Disruption by Larry Downes and Paul F. Nunes in the latest edition of HBR, please do.

In a single article, the authors have done something that nobody (other than Henry Mintzberg) in recent times has done – articulating the irrelevance of practically every framework, model or strategy that is commonplace in tech industry – Christensen’s Innovator’s Dilemma, Porter’s 5 Forces, Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema’s  The Discipline of Market Leaders and Geoffrey Moore’s Crossing the Chasm.

The authors claim Big-Bang Disruption is characterized by unencumbered development, unconstrained growth, and undisciplined strategy.

Of the three, the concept of undisciplined strategy is nerve wracking for theorists and practitioners alike.  How can strategy be undisciplined?  Understanding this is going to be the education that two generations of experienced corporate executives will have to go through to clear their biases.  We have way too many industry experts working in their System 1 intuitive, cut & paste habits of running organizations and businesses.  True disruptors are critical System 2 thinkers that are unencumbered by experience and create the world of possibilities.  Time to celebrate and join the Big Bang Disruption!

Prabhakar Gopalan (@PGopalan)