Want to help improve Technology Product Management? Does it need improvement? If so, click through to the survey below and have your say. It’s short and to the point. It’ll [ … ]
Category: Culture
The future of Technology Product Management
A few people have responded to the survey I posted, asking about problems facing Technology Product Management, but we need more of you to participate. We need the collective input [ … ]
Towards a Product Management Manifesto (part 1.5)
A comment by Steve Johnson on another blog made me realize that before I start talking about *my* views on the problems in technology product management, I should do a [ … ]
When form doesn’t follow function
I’ve written before about frames of reference. That’s the term I use (borrowed from physics) for how we can perceive situations around us differently from others due to differences in [ … ]
Towards a Product Management Manifesto (part 1)
Yes, this is going to be a multi-parter. It’s a big topic and it makes sense to discuss it in steps. I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot, and [ … ]
Advice for managing up
Everyone, especially Product Management, needs to understand how critical it is to manage up. i.e. how to manage your superiors. In this frame of reference, your job is to ensure [ … ]
No Win/Loss? Blame…
As promised here are the results from the Win/Loss poll I ran last week. First, thanks to all those who responded. The question was: Why are you not performing Win/Loss [ … ]
Godin vs. Gladwell: Fight!
In Malcolm Gladwell’s most recent book, Outliers, he uses a metric of 10,000 hours of effort as a measure of time it takes for someone to master their chosen profession [ … ]
What do we call this mess?
It’s been difficult to find a good term to describe the economic climate we’re in now. As difficult as the R-word was for political leaders 6 months ago, having said [ … ]