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A Lean Communication Model For Product Management

download lean communications documentDescribes how to create a set of clear reusable Product Management deliverables to proactively answer questions and address decision making needs during the product release cycle.

Format: PDF                                Length: 28 pages

See also:  Lean Communications – Aligning Diverse Teams and Accelerating Revenue in High-Tech companies

Building a Better Beta

download beta documentA detailed description of the steps required to run a successful (B2B) beta program. The document covers the preparation, execution and post-execution phases of the beta program.

Format: PDF                                Length: 24 pages

Holding Effective and Efficient Virtual Customer Meetings

download virtual meetings documentGetting out of the office to meet people face-to-face is getting difficult, due to budget and travel restrictions as well as the growing trend for geographically dispersed teams. In short, virtual meetings are a reality we have to deal with.  This document provides guidelines on how to hold virtual meetings with customers and still get detailed insight and information.

Format: PDF                                Length: 12 pages

download flat stanley persona documentFlat Stanley Doesn’t Live Here
A real and practical starter guide for buyer personas

You’ve heard the talk about personas. You understand the value. You are excited to get started, but don’t know where to begin. This is a great, easy-to-read primer on how to get started building personas – offering advice that you can use today.

Format: PDF                                Length: 23 pages

Product Management Metricsdownload pm metrics document
How to truly manage your products like a CEO

Presentation delivered at ProductCamp Boston 2012. Presents a standard model to truly manage products in a holistic and standard way. Focuses on key aspects of product success, bucketed into 4 categories – Business, Go-to-Market, Organization and Product.

Format: PDF                                  Length: 48 pages

No more superheroesdownload pm organization document
Creating an Effective and Scalable Product Management Organization

Presentation delivered at ProductCamp Boston 2011. Many product management organization are staffed incorrectly and thus underperform. This is bad for the company and especially bad for the PM team and their reputation. Creating an effective, scalable organization requires understanding of the various roles and skills needed by Product Management to deliver on it’s mandate — ensuring product success.

Format: PDF                                  Length: 39 pages

  1. Fahdly

    Thank you for providing such a detailed information on product management,
    it’ll be nice if you can also give us an example or approach to design a product road map in a emerging market (BRICK), where the switching cost is low and costumer loyalty are weighted more on price. The overall situation doesn’t allow much room for costly development, but the product has to stay competitive in order to grow.

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