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ProductCamp Toronto 2010 roundup

It’s been about 10 days since we help ProductCamp Toronto Spring 2010.

Despite being a bright sunny and unusually warm day here in Toronto, a large crowd gathered downtown to hear a number of speakers talk on topics related to Product Management, Startups, Innovation and Marketing.

We kicked the day off with a keynote speech by Stephen Pollack. Stephen spoke about overcoming obstacles we face in our paths to success.

After Stephen keynote, we launched 3 tracks of talks. These were:

  1. Product Management 101 — aimed at people new to Product Management or those who want to learn more about the basics of the topic.
  2. Start me up! —aimed at people who are interested in or involved in startups. There is a thriving startup community in the Toronto area.
  3. Advanced Product Management — intended for experienced Product Managers and Marketers who want to go deep into topics with others in their field.

The final slot of the Advanced PM track was filled with a series of 5 minute talks.

Based on the Ignite series of talks, where the motto is:

“Enlighten us but make it quick”

this was a very lively way to end the day.

Both Alan and I presented sessions at the event. I’ve embedded our presentations below.

I gave a full session called Lean Communications. This applies lean manufacturing principles to help optimize cross team communication processes in companies. The end result is better alignment, reduced efforts and faster time to revenue.

I also gave a 5 minute talk call Product Management Axioms. This was based on the article I wrote for Pragmatic Marketing’s magazine a couple of years ago.

Alan gave a full session called The Why Driven Roadmap. This was based on principles provided in the book Start with Why and focused on ensuring you identify clear goals and reasons for your plans and activities before embarking on them.

His 5 minute talk was about Credibility and Authority for Product Management.