
We’re 7 years old…and a week

In what is now a truly unplanned tradition, I completely forgot (yet again) the anniversary of this blog.7th birthday

No fanfare, no fireworks, no cake.  Just a blog post and a thank you to all the readers who regularly visit, comment and promote this blog.  And a big thank you to all the contributors who write exceptional content.

  • Total posts published in 7 years:  842
  • Average # of posts per year: 124
  • Most posts in any given month: 32 in January 2009
  • Number of contributors over the last 7 years:  33
  • Number of comments on the site: 8961

The following are the top 10 most popular posts of all time.

1. Agile/Scrum and Product Roadmaps
2. 5 Interview Questions for Hiring Great Product Managers
3. Product Manager vs. Product Management (part 5)
4. My Agile Product Backlog Template
5. A 90-day Plan for New Product Managers
6. How to Create an Effective Product Management Organization
7. The Importance of Differentiated Product Management Roles
8. A new (and better) definition for Product Owner
9. A Model and Metrics for Tracking Product Success
10. The Scrum Title “Product Owner” must die!

So thank you to all the readers and someone please remind me in late May 2015 about the upcoming 8th anniversary of the blog.


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Saeed Khan is a founder and Managing Editor of On Product Management, and has worked for the last 20 years in high-technology companies building and managing market leading products. He also speaks regularly at events on the topic of product management and product leadership. You can contact him via Twitter @saeedwkhan or via the Contact Us page on this blog.