
Month: October 2014

What is the goal for your product line?

Companies too often view the product manager as the person who delivers product requirements, or direction to the developers on what to build next. In my view, Product Management is a much broader mandate. We need to write requirements for our company’s capabilities, not just the service or software product that we deliver.

Why is Dyson doing so well?

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Dyson vacuum cleaner, or seen one of the commercials on TV with the earnest inventor himself, talking about how other vacuums lose suction, but his doesn’t. To be honest, when I first heard the ads I was skeptical. I had never really thought about vacuum cleaners much (who has?) but I didn’t think that all existing ones lose suction. Believe it or not, I bought one for $500, and I have a smile on my face every time I use it.


Software Compensation 2007–Is it 1999 All Over Again? – Steve McConnell has a look at software developer compensation. Anecdotally, I’ve seen the same thing with product management jobs lately. There [ … ]