EthanProduct ManagementTwitter

Mars Needs Women; Twitter Needs Product Manager

filme-marsneedswomenProduct Managers may not need Twitter but it looks like Twitter needs a Product Manager.

It’s interesting that most of the discussions we have on this blog and between ourselves and other Product Managers concern things like feature sets, incremental improvements to sales and trying to beat developers into submission (ha ha only serious). Generally the issue of making any money at all isn’t something most Product Manager have to worry about. But it is at the core of why product Managers do what they do every day: how do you turn developer effort into revenue? Once you start building a product you need to figure out who to sell it to, how much to charge for it, how to get it from your hands to the customer’s hands and all that sort of thing. Most of us deal with the issues incrementally: adding an extra sales channel, adding a new version, targeting a new customer segment.

If you ever wondered what it would be like to do it all from scratch without all the hassle of starting your own company, here’s the chance you’ve been looking for.