EducationEventsProduct ManagementProduct MarketingSaeed

Mind the Product 2012 – An Online Overview

By Saeed Khan

The Mind the Product conference was held last Friday in London.  It was probably the largest gathering of product managers, product market in Europe.  If you wanted to attend but couldn’t, here’s a poor  but acceptable substitute. Below are a number of relevant links, tweets and images from the conference. I’ve also created a Storify post with curated tweets from the conference.

Jane Dallaway’s visual notesCould use some annotations so it’s easier to understand what is being written about. 🙂

Sketch-notes of Marty Cagan’s talk(click image to see detailed notes on Flickr)

Photo of panel at conference

Storify story of key tweets (click on the image to view full Storify story)


Tweet this: Mind the Product 2012 – An online overview http://wp.me/pXBON-3wQ #prodmgmt #mtpcon